Adventure Holiday: Hiking the Towers of Paine and the Fitzroy
Vacation Type: Walking Tours Hiking and Trekking Journeys
Travel Location: South America Chile
Spend four days hiking in the spectacular Paine National Park.
Explore Argentina’s Los Glacieres National Park and the Fitzroy range.
Spend days in the meadows beneath colossal rock and ice pillars.
Children may participate.
Vacation Contact Detail

Travel picture of The peaks of the Fitzroy in Patagonia.
InnerAsia Expeditions
2627 Lombard Street
San Francisco
United States
Telephone: 415-922-0448
Fax Number: 415-346-5535
i hear it is beautiful country in the patagonia region. I wuld like more details, mainly price, just so I can see if it is in the cards for me this year or need to save for next. I would say I would want to spend two weeks if possible there.